
All news (so far)

2008-06-20: Me: Staying on at University (working and studying)

I've committed myself for a few hours working at the University this autumn. And I'll keep on studying (at other Universities :-)

2008-05-28: Me: 261 steps from the toilets

It's 261 steps from the toilets to my door. That's how fun I'm having while walking to the toilets - finding out ways to make the walk back more fun. :-) (For those wanting to know the distans, my stride is about half a meter. :-)

2008-04-23: Me: First hedgehog sighting

Early morning (in the 'wee hours') I saw a hedgehog on one of my 'walks'.

2008-04-13: Me: First toad sighting

Lacking any interesting news I have to report this year's first toad sighting. :-) The flowers started to show a couple of weeks ago

2008-02-29: Me: Still at the university

I'm still at the university, but I'll start working 50% tomorrow. The other hours of the day (or rather week) I'll focus on my studying (if I don't get the 'other' job :-)

2007-10-01: Me: Signed the papers

I got a salary last month and I have signed employment papers for another 3 months.